Fundraiser Information


Thank you in advance for your support of these fundraisers.  The money earned helps pay for equipment, contest fees, and other expenses that help make the Lincoln band program the best it can be.One of the top objectives of the Band Booster Organization is to help promote some of the general activities of the Band Department. One of these ways is by financial support of the band program and we are able to do this by holding different fundraising events throughout the year.One fundraiser is our LHS Band Boosters Sponsorship (see forms tab). This is done throughout the year with different levels of sponsorship. We recognize our financial sponsors by putting their name and the band student they are sponsoring in each of the programs of the band concerts during the year.

Club Choice - Kids brought packets home on September 24th.   Sale dates September 24th through October 7th, Delivery date will be November 9th, 2013.

Entertainment Books Info coming home soon - books will be $25. 

Garage Sale & Can Drive  November 16th, 2013 in commons for the garage sale, and will collect cans at the tennis courts.

CAR WASH  Support the Lincoln High School Band every time you wash your car!  Simply enter these codes before you pay for your wash, and the band will receive a portion of the proceeds.
 7511* at Park Avenue Car Wash/ 5301 Park Ave
57511* at Ultimate Auto Wash/ 4411 SE 14th ST

Please ask your friends and families to donate their redeemable pop can, beer cans, etc.   We need every student and parent to collect as many cans as possible. This money will go directly to supporting the band program.  If your student marched this year - ask them if their uniform made it through the season without mending?  If they drank a bottle water after their performances?  If they needed a pair of socks or another pair of gloves from the suitcase? 

We will have bags available to be filled by students in the band room.  Please do not encourage your student to go door to door by themselves.  We believe with word of mouth these cans will come flowing your way!  Once bags are filled there are two ways to turn them in.  One is by dropping them off at the Murtle's home @ 5101 SW 17th Street.  Just set them by the garage or call us @ 515 -537-0092 or 515-537-0004 for pick up. The dates of turning in the cans will be determined at the October booster meeting. Our goal is to fill at least 10 large plastic bags.  The more we get in redeemable cans the greater benefit to the band program.  Thanks again for all your support!

Hy-Vee Frozen Cookie Dough
·         Fundraiser begins January 27th and ends on February 7th.
·         Cookies will be delivered on Saturday March 1st from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.  
         There is no place to store the cookies after delivery so they have to be 
         picked up that day.
·         Cookies cost $12.00 per box with the student earning $5.00 to be placed in their 
          student account to be used for trips, equipment, shirts, shoes, ect
.·        Students need to collect payment at the same time as the cookie orders.  Please have 
          any checks made payable to ‘Lincoln Band Boosters’.