Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Southwest Iowa Band Jamboree

Southwest Iowa Band Jamboree Recap

The Marching Rails had a great trip to Clarinda this past Saturday. The band had great performances both in parade and field competition.


We would especially like to thank all of the parent volunteers that helped out on Saturday. Without the parental support, trips like this would not be possible.

A HUGE THANK YOU to all 20+ parents that helped make sack lunches on Friday night, build props, paint props, load the trailer, pull the trailer,  load the buses, chaperone the buses, serve the lunches, haul equipment on and off the field and all of the many other duties it takes to travel with a group this size. We REALLY appreciate all of your help!!!


Here are the results from Saturday’s contest:


Parade Competition

2nd place in class 4A

4th place overall out of 55 bands


Field Competition

2nd place in class 4A

3rd place overall out of 20 bands